My grandma. :) She is in Florida right now... lucky duck. Haha.... she doesn't like to have her picture taken, so this is a suprisingly good picture of her. It makes her look smart. :)

My aunt Michelle and my psycho cousin Caden. I think he is 2, maybe 3. We went over to their house for Easter and he was pretending to drive a train. And then he kicked me off. He took me to swim lessons too. Then he made me drive, so I took him to Wiley Woods. He slept there and I had to go pick him up in the morning. I love that kid, he is so stinkin cute. (This was all part of the train story... I had to pretend to drive this train and take him to Wiley Woods and then pick him up in the morning. Sorry Melissa :P)

This is Kayla. She is 7 I think. Like Caden, she also has some funny moments but not as many. She is super cute though. I love her too :)

And this is Cole. He is 11. My brother is training him to be like a mini Logan, so I don't like that very much. They team up on me a lot. But I just give him a huge hug and kiss his forehead. Then he gets all embarassed... haha. I love it. One time, we were in a parking lot and he was acting all cool and hating on me (not really but whatever) so in the middle of the parking lot I was like "I LOVE YOU COLE!!" really loud. From the other side. :) He was pretty embarassed. But I enjoyed it. Hey I figure if he wants to make fun of me, I have every right to embarass him in public. So I don't care. The more embarassed the better. :D I feel so evil. But I love him too!

Another picture of Caden. He is cute. My aunt doesn't look very good though. Good thing she won't see this :) Haha... Caden loooooves having his picture taken. I would too if I was that cute :) He is adorable. He is allergic to a lot of stuff, so it is really funny when he starts asking what is in stuff. Like my mom's ice cream dessert thing we had for easter. I asked him is he wanted some, and he was like is there coconuts in it? Or peanuts? I like peanuts. But not coconuts... It was cute. (He is allergic to coconuts and all other tree nuts. But not peanuts.)
Ok so that is all except my uncle. Maybe my mom will post a picture of him (except I don't think you would want to see him... lol just kidding) because I don't have one. :) Love you uncle Roy!!
Peace out guys and don't be wiggin out on me. Haha... Tiffany...... :) lol.
:P toooo youuuuuu haha :)
Cute pictures! I'm a little confused though...with your little story about Caden, did you actually take him somewhere, or was that all pretend?
Haha, it was pretend. :) Thanks Melissa, I will clear that up.
So I'm wondering whose side of the family this is - I'm thinking it's your Dad's? Those are cute kids!
Yes it is my dad's. My mom's side isn't near as cute. Lol. Just kidding. They are all older then me though, so they are boringer. haha. Love them too!!
Do you tell Logan you love him too just to bug him?
I don't think I've ever heard you say "I love you" to Logan but you sure bug him in lots of other ways! I know that feeling is very mutual!
Caden is sooooo cute! He's quite a character! Michelle says he's almost exactly like Roy was/is. hmmm...
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