Friday, December 7, 2007

Maestra Fiesta!!

For those of you who don't speak Spanish, that means "Teacher Party!!"

I am taking Spanish 1 right now. Since the beginning of the year, we have had practically THE most amazing student teacher ever. Today was her last day. We threw her a "suprise" party. That is in quotation marks because it wasn't really a suprise. She sort of knew about it, but not everything. We made her a ginormous "Thank you" card and all of us signed it. Lots of the class brought in food, Spanish food or American. There were Churros (if you have never had these, I recommend trying them sometime... yummy!!), cake, 3 different kinds of brownies, chips and salsa, chocolate chip muffins, and pop. If there was anything else I can't remember it right now.

And here is my part. The pinata. I decided to make one. In one day. It was a lot of work and I was actually still working on the finishing touches in homeroom today. I thought it turned out awesome. My homeroom teacher donated some tissue paper to put on the outside. Then one of my friends helped me put in some suckers my mom bought at the Mexican store by the post office. (If you have never been there, I also recommend checking it out.) These suckers were brought into class by another classmate earlier in the week and are probably my favorite suckers ever. They sound weird but are delicious!! They are carmel type suckers, but they are made with goat milk. YUM!!

When I got into Spanish class, I kindly asked Ms. Barber (student teacher) to go get some coffee. That is what we always say when she needs to leave so we can talk (or set up a suprise party) secretly. So she left, and we all started setting up. Anna Hill (my friend also in my Spanish class) helped me try to put paperclips through my pinata. Stringed paperclips. Nobody had string for this pinata, so our teacher teacher gave us paperclips instead. We finally got them through after much work. Then we were seeing if it would hang and the paperclips chain fell out. It broke right in the middle. UGH!! So then, Ms. Barber was almost back in the room (actually waiting out in the hall). We completely gave up and decided just to give it to her to chuck against the wall. Not one of our best ideas, but if you spend any time with the two of us together, you will know that this was actually one of our better ideas.

She came back in and we gave her the card and some treats that another member of the class's mom had made for Ms. Barber. Then we gave her the pinata. She was preparing to throw it against the wall when she said, "This is the weirdest thing I have ever done." I agree. She also said she was going to be really embarassed when it didn't break. Ha! It didn't actually. It just sort of got a really big crack in the side. She just pulled out all the suckers for everone. Our geniusness never got to the part AFTER when she chucked the pinata. Obviously, they were all broken. But still very tasty.

During the party, everyone was eating, when me and Anna realized that there was Oreos. A while back in Youth Group, one of our ex-leaders, Morgan, taught us a really fun game. You get all the cream from the Oreo on one side. You can eat the naked side if you want to. Then you lick the cream so it is really wet, and stick it on your forehead. Without using your hands or anthing else, you have to try to get it into your mouth. Me and Anna raced during class. This was lots of fun and I am proud to announce that I won. Everyone was laughing at us though, even us.

Then, Ms. Barber told us to go to the bathroom so we could get all the cream off of our faces. It was really funny to see what we looked like. We ran into someone in the hallway, and he was like, "What were you guys doing?" We told him what we did and he was like, "What class was that in?!" Lol. We told him it was for our party in Spanish class and then went into the bathroom. What a funny sight. Cream all over our faces. Oreo crumbs in our eyebrows. Red marks from who knows what. Wow. It was amazing.

When we got back to the room, they were setting up to play the game "Never Have I Ever". It is a game where someone is in the middle and they say something they have done before. (I think. I didn't really get the game, but I am pretty sure it is something you have done.) Example: Never have I ever been to Florida. Then anyone who has done that has to stand up and find another chair. The chair has to be at least 2 away from where they started, and whoever ends up chairless has to be in the middle. It is a really fun game except it gets really crazy. Me and Anna were both trying to get to a chair. I won, but she sat on my lap, stepped on the girl's foot that was next to me, and shoved my chair into the table behind me. We all started laughing at this because it was really funny. Why else would we be laughing?

I am really sad to see this teacher go. I really enjoyed her and now we have our regular teacher. He is cool too, but I really liked Ms. Barber. She is going to have no problem finding a teaching job somewhere.

I also wanted to add this quote that I made up today about myself: "Well, it appears I am starting to ramble, so I'd better shut up before someone else does it for me." Thought that was pretty funny, and I am going to take my own advice and zip it. :-l. Zipped tight.

Lotsa <3!!


Diane said...

Whew! The way your mind works... all I can say is "WOW"! We're going to have a lot of fun in July with Anna and you together in Haiti!!!

Melissa said...

Eres muy comica. Me gusta mucho churros. Yo creo que la fiesta fue muy divertida! Lo siento que tu profesora neceista salir :( Hasta luego!

Me comprendes? :)