Saturday, January 12, 2008

Not what you expected, but still an update...

Mrs. Hill (aka Jennifer) is making me do this crazy meme thing. Thanks a bunch...

The rules are as follows: Simply link to the person who tagged you. SHARE SEVEN WEIRD things about yourself. Tag SEVEN bloggers to do the same AND include a link to their blog. Let each person know that they have been tagged and finally post the rules on your blog.

Ok, this is a weird meme thing or whatever it's called. Like me, just without the "meme thing or whatever it's called" attached to it like a piece of toilet paper.

I see no point in doing this, since I just proved right there in that one sentence that I am extremely weird. I found some pictures that I am going to use to help me with this thing. Here goes nothing.

7) This is totally me, I like to draw, so if I draw wonder what something would look like, I just draw it like that. Definitely weird.
6)Haha, that is like my favorite picture ever. Also weird, I know.
5) That describes me in a nutshell. No matter how much I don't think my common facial expression is weird, most other people do. So there. I guess that is a weird thing about me too.
4) OK, so I don't really. But I wish I did, then I could beat up people who say "Smile Tori!" too much... *cough cough Mrs. Hill *cough cough. Excuse me, I seem to have a slight cold... haha. I can only fantasize about having ninja powers though, which is weird too.
3) Ahh... the story of my life. And also very true I'm guessing. I don't know if this is really "weird" or not, but I think it can be considered "weird" so it is. Which probably makes me weird.
2) I so want to know what it is like to ride the short bus! Weird? I bet you think so...
1) If ice cubes could have feelings, they would definitely be jealous. Which is weird too. So there is the meme thing. It was really weird. Weird is a weird word. Haha, say that ten times fast. I would say that would be pretty weird too. Lol. Weird, weird, weird, weird, weird,weird.

I am tagging weird people. Seven of them. Here they are: Mom, Tammy, Melissa, Brenda (I would tag her twice if I could... lol. Weird I know), Anna, Kim, and Nate. (No excuses, you can meme in a comment too, and you are one of the weirdest of them all)


Melissa said...

I must be doubley wierd, cuz now i've been tagged twice. I'm going to do it tomorrow, ok?

your list made me do something smile. something i do a lot. :) lol.

Diane said...

Ok, so you tagged me... this is a hard one to do because I'm just not that wierd! ;) I'll have to work on this one and then I'll post on it later.

Mari said...

No! I was tagged for this and I have my answers all ready and now you've beat me. I was going to tag your Mom and now I have to change and do someone else. I thought she was a perfect choice for this because she is a little weird!

Diane said...

"Gasp!" Mari- I do NOT think I am that weird! Why would you ever think of me for this meme???

Zaankali said...

I love your weirdness!

I think someone should tag Mrs. Patty because we all know she's reading.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tori, Mrs. Hill's right! Mari tagged me already.You can read them on her sight. I'm not very weird so I made them all up.jk See-ya soon,Patty

Brenda said...

I love you Tori Mac! *smiles*