Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Adorable Cousins :)

These are my cousins that live in Minnesota, I took these pictues when my mom and I went to visit their family out there this summer, and I just haven't gotten to posting them yet :) So here they are. Sorry I don't have a very good picture of Niko, he wouldn't let me take pictures of him when he was looking, so I have a lot of shots of his back ;)





Tiffany said...

very very cute :) good job photographer lady ;) hehe.

Chad and Tammy said...

They are SO cute!

Nate and Brenda said...

They are cute!! Great pictures!!

Diane said...

LOVE them - pics and kids!! :)

Marcey said...

I will need to get your copies! I can't comment on their cuteness as I am a little biased! Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving