Today we woke up REAL early and got ready for VBS in Tapion. We ate breakfast and left in a taptap with the best driver EVER. He stopped for every little bump; it was amazing. When we got there, there was about 40 kids in the church. We had them sing some songs (led by the worship leader of the church) and started off with the puppet show. The kids were all amazed with the puppets. Nevil led the kids in helping remember the verses. I know them now too :) After that we did the laughing song. Then they were split into two groups and we went to go do some games outside. The Human Knot game did not work. They were so confused. Then we did the balloon-ankle game which went well. The kids switched with the craft kids and we tried red-light/green-light instead of the Human Knot. Still didn't work so we did the balloon game. A few kids cried because their balloons popped. A man came up to Jenny and I and asked us to come back on the 23rd. I said we were leaving in a week and he asked us to come back later this week. Then all the kids went inside for closing. Some kids in the back saw Marg playing with the puppet and tried to figure out where the sound was coming from. So cute. They all sang again and we blew up more balloons so they could all keep one. They sang a thank you song and left. We picked up all our stuff and headed down a little hill to the taptap. It was pretty steep but they made a train so no one fell :) Nevil taught Katie and I to count to 30 on the way home.

We ate some bread and fruit (I had a banana. Now I remember why I hate them.) and walked to Ti Guinnen. It was SO weird to see the church from last year down. The shoreline raised too so a bunch of palm trees died and houses were buried. A motorcycle slipped into the canal and both mirrors fell off and another motorcycle almost hit Marg.

(Coca Truck ^^^ with Nevil and Caleb)

(Pastor George and his wife)
We walked home and talked for a while and ate dinner. I talked to Katie for a while and then we had devotions and prayed. I loaded my cot with bug spray (and me) since I have 49 already. :/ Shower and sleep after some interesting talks with Mari and Marg. Mari and I are having a nastiest leg hair competition. :) Yummy.
Oh, also we had dish duty today and couldn't get some stuff off so we used rocks to scrub it. Awesome. Degaje.
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