Friday, December 25, 2009

spanish lessons.

merry christmas.
merry christ-mas.
mas (<-- spanish) christ.
more christ.
Merry Christmas! :] Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noel! Cheergon Crismas! (haha that last one is Korean... I don't know the letters for it, so that's a phonetic spelling. Don't judge me ;]) Last night there was a Christmas program type of thing at church, and the song that Mikayla sang has been stuck in my head. (Well, the two lines that I remember anyways, haha :]) "It's about the cross... It's about my sins... something something something to be born once, so we could be born again..." I never really thought about that before. Actually, I guess I did, just not in the context that it wasn't really just to be born that was why Jesus came. It was to die on the cross. It didn't matter about all the details of His birth (well yeah, it does matter, but bear with me here.) The basic reason why He came was so that He could die for us so that our sins could be forgiven. He always knew He was going to do that for us.
Anyways, enough preachin' ;]. Merry Christmas, and remember "the reason for the season."